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понедельник, 15 сентября 2014 г.

How to open a shop dumplings?

There is a misconception that run the business for the production of frozen semi-finished products is quite simple. It would seem that complicated to buy meat, make it a beef, cook and roll the dough, sculpt dumplings, freeze them in the freezer - and you can start to sell the finished product and make a profit. Indeed, nothing complicated. There are, however, several small "but".

First - if your need without a doubt delicious dumplings buyer?

If needed, then immediately the second - if you can provide the necessary volume of their product?

And immediately there is the third - how to organize production and what it takes?
Course of their work, I often talk with the owners of small shops for the production of frozen semi-finished and everyone was asking questions - how do you open your own business? And for how long you took to the existing production? It is clear that the answers are all different, but they are several of the most common. Consider these answers to a few examples of different ways of formation of this business.
An example of the first.

Entrepreneur of the less prosperous regions of the country that does not have available funds, decides to open a production of semis. For an initial period of its activity, the competition in his region was almost absent. The first thing he did - bought on credit fridge "Stinol" with a large freezer. To produce were brought all the next of kin. Of the equipment was only electric food grinder for the production of minced meat. All other operations were done manually. Annual production was from 30 to 50 kg per day. Over time, when there was a profit, were bought a few refrigerators, ravioli machine JGL-120 mixer to a stiff dough with the volume of the bowl at 20 kg and minced agitator. Annual production reached about 700 kg per day. Next on the rise. Was leased premises. Built the camera shock freezing. Purchased two Pel'mennykh machine JGL-120 and JGL-135. The volume of production - 1300-1500 kg per day. Eventually, when JGL phones have become very common to fail, our company was purchased ravioli machine HLT-700XL. Commissioning works went yours truly, and that's where there was this example.
At the time of this writing, it acquired the production in our company another HLT. Annual production reached 2500 kg per day. The total development time of the dumpling shop, from the beginning to the present volume - 7 years.
An example of the second.

(the most common in different variations). Individual entrepreneurs engaged in trade in meat and dairy products, decides to open a shop for the production of semi-finished products. After studying customer demand and competitors' products, he buys all the necessary equipment leasing and starts. A few years later, when production begins to bring tangible benefits, the decision to expand the range of semi-finished products manufactured. Purchased additional equipment and begins production of meatballs and pancakes. To date, the company produces about 60-70 tonnes of semi-finished products per month. Time development of the company - 6 years.
Example Three.

Large wholesale company of frozen semi-finished goods, which has its own area for warehousing and storage of finished products, as well as a well-established sales, asks the question - why do we sell products only party? Do we not begin to produce their own, under its own brand? Funds are allocated, and begins construction of dumpling shop. Done renovation of the existing premises, installed freezers purchased production and processing equipment, staff is recruited. A year later, the shop goes to the amount of 60 tons of dumplings in a month. When I ran, supplied us equipment in this company, I found out that the volume of investment in this production, amounted to more than 20 million. Rubles! I think it was worth it!

What we see in the background of these three examples? First, and most importantly - it is selling the finished product! If you do not have well-established markets, then the ravioli shop you do not need. You will score freezers finished products, where it safely, in time, will become worthless. And second, is also very important - the speed-to large volumes depends on how much money was invested at the same time at the initial stage. From the first example shows that the production has developed gradually, in parallel with the sale. Accordingly, investment in capacity are also carried out gradually. Yes, it took a lot of time, but never refrigerators are not clogged finished products. Ie production has developed in parallel with the consumer demand (sales).
In the second and third cases, production has developed rapidly enough. But here, again, the sale has already been established and the demand was great enough. Therefore, to meet the high demand, make serious cash infusion into the development of production, which eventually paid off.

Demand and sales issues decided. For example, in your area, buyer craves only buy semi-finished under your brand! And you have an urgent need ravioli plant with capacity of 200 kg per hour or 1,500 kg per day (30 tons per month). What do you need? The first premise of not less than 100 square meters. meters, renovated in accordance with the sanitary standards for food processing. Secondly it is necessary to solve some of the meat you cook stuffing - from the cooled (carcasses or half-carcasses) or frozen block? What's the difference now explain. For the manufacture of minced frozen meat requires the following hardware:
Two chest freezer refrigeration capacity of at least 1.5 cubic meters. meter. One to raise the temperature of frozen meat before sawing, from minus 18 degrees to minus 10 degrees. Second cooling finished stuffing.
Band saw for cutting blocks of meat into cubes 50x50 mm.
Bath stainless steel. After cutting the meat is placed in the bath for 5 - 6 hours and thawed at a temperature of 25 - 26 degrees.
Electric whirligig (industrial grinder). Designed to grind completely thawed meat. Frozen pieces of throwing is prohibited. If you want to speed up the process of cooking the stuffing and throwing pieces of frozen meat, a more powerful and expensive top.
Mixers for mixing the meat with the other ingredients.
Cutter. When using low-cost low-quality meat with a high water content. It is designed to "drive" the water to reduce the cost. From this position can be waived if you make premium product.

Now the list of equipment for refrigerated meat:
Stainless steel table for boning (cutting) of meat + obvalschik - people.
Electric whirligig (industrial grinder).
Mixers for mixing the meat with the other ingredients.
Refrigeration chest for cooling the finished stuffing.

As we can see, for the production of minced fresh meat, need less equipment. But also the raw material is more expensive than frozen meat. What is more profitable - you decide. And most importantly - you need to decide what price category dumplings you will produce.

With meat understood. We now turn to the test. What you need to cook it? Here is a list:
Flour sifters. Designed for mechanical separation of flour from impurities, loosening and its saturation with air, which improves the quality of the product.
Mixer to a stiff dough with the paddle or Z-shaped kneading body (two shafts rotating in opposite directions), with the capacity of the bowl at least 50 liters.

Minced and cooked dough. It remains to make dumplings themselves. To do this you will need a ravioli machine. Of course, I recommend the ravioli machine ANKO HLT-700XL! If the budget is small, you can do a series of Chinese assault rifles JGL. They several times cheaper, but problems with them several times. A detailed comparison you can read in my article about the HLT-sentence on the same blog.

Thus, the dumplings are made. You needed to be frozen, pack and save up to send to the end user. To do this, you will need:
Racking trolley stainless steel 660 × 800h1800mm two way loading - 6 pieces.
Set of trays made ​​of stainless steel 600 × 400 mm for 1 truck in the amount of 50 pieces - 6 sets.
Luggage shock freezing totaling 19 cu. meters.
Low-temperature chamber for the storage of finished products, totaling 25 cu. meters.

This is the most expensive component of the dumpling shop. The total cost of cooling is about 2 million. 300 thousand. Rubles! A lot of money!
As for the packaging, there are so many options. It all depends on the form in which you want to deliver the finished product to the consumer. The most simple - a loose packing in cardboard boxes. In this case, the buyer purchases your product by weight.
Can be packaged in ready-made bags and a certain weight, or solder them on hand sealer or cover with clips.
If we want to minimize the manual work, you have to acquire filling - packaging machine, which also costs money.

Well, to sum up! For organizing and opening a small dumpling shop performance you need space, the above equipment, competent technical personnel and, most importantly, a well-established sales. The first two components will require considerable financial investment. According to my calculations, to open the dumpling shop called performance, need at least 6 million. Rubles! And it would seem that complicated to manufacture ravioli ?!

However, in various regions continue to open new Ravioli Shop. It seems that the market is already saturated with these semi-finished products any longer. Now there is a selection of the market from major manufacturers with small dumplings shops. Each shop is launching something different and has its own niche. Or compete in an already occupied niches. I think that no one will be without profit, and competition will benefit us - the consumers.

It is time to say goodbye! I hope this article has helped you understand what the seemingly simple thing as making dumplings on a commercial scale, has a lot of nuances and complexities. But, as someone from the old "road by walking!" I wish you every success! And until we meet again in the pages of my life!

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