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вторник, 16 сентября 2014 г.

Goal Setting: 5 Myths

Only 3% of adults have clear, written goals fixed, expressed in quantitative terms, and have given the term achievements. According to statistics, these people reach at least ten times more than the average person.
Why do most people do not set themselves goals? American businessman, millionaire and success coach Brian Tracy called the five most common myths that impede effective goal-setting.

1 I already have a goal, I do not need to put them.
People who are responsible, so usually say that their goal - to be rich, healthy, happy, successful and realize all your dreams. But this is not the goal, and the desires and fantasies that are common to all people. The aim should be like a beautiful house has a nice design, regularly serviced and maintained and constantly requires work on yourself. If the target is not recorded, it is a dream or desire, amorphous object without vitality.

2 I do not need goals from me and so all is well.
Live without goals - all the same, that move through unfamiliar territory without a road map and direction. The only option - to go at random, and respond to problems and troubles, hoping for the best. If you have all good now with no plans and goals, perhaps in the future you will be able to do so much more, if you move to a clear goal and be able to measure their progress in achieving it.

3 I do not need a written fixed target. All I have in my head.
Average stream of consciousness includes 1500 thoughts per minute. If the only goal in your mind, they are always mixed, blurred, entangled, contradict each other and are incomplete. Such goals do not provide a clear and energizes you motivation. You become like a ship without a rudder, adrift and inevitably crashing on the rocks, and never implement their true potential.

4 I do not know how to set goals.
It is not surprising. You can get a diploma of a prestigious university, and neither one hour courses on setting and achieving goals. Fortunately, goal setting - it's a skill, like time management, learning, sales, management, and many other necessary highly productive and efficient people. All of these skills can be learned. You can master setting goals using practical exercises, repeating as long as the goal-setting will not be easy and automatic as breathing. Progress, which you reach from the very first to set goals, astound you.

5 Targets do not work, life is unpredictable.
When the plane is flying to another city, he 99% of the time deviates from the course. The work of the pilot and electronic equipment - a course correction. The same thing in life. When you have a clear long-term goal, with a developed plan to achieve it, you can change the course many times, but in the end, get to wealth, health and success.

And the last. Setting goals - important skill for success.

You have a choice: either you reach your goals, or work for someone else in order to achieve its objectives. When you learn the definition of objectives, then able to manage their lives, realize their full potential and achieve much.

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