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вторник, 16 сентября 2014 г.

20 tips on how to learn anything

How much time does it take to become a professional in anything? Should we have a 10, 000 hours, or not all depends on the amount of time, and on your persistence and desire? Robert Greene, author of the popular best results in his book Mastery examples from the lives of great people and explore their lifestyle, to understand what led to their genius.

For writing the book Green plunged into the story and learned about the life of Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Mozart and others. He also interviewed many people alive today. Among them: Paul Graham - known venture capitalist and founder of Fund Y Combinator, Temple Grandin - the world famous autistic woman who fights for the rights of animals, and many others.

Here are a few tips that we opted out of his book.

Find his life's work
We often sprayed on a few classes, not realizing that the only really good at something one. Find what you really like to do, and doing it.

Find your niche
One of the most famous neurosurgeons Vileyanur Ramachandran was once a professor of psychology. Although for me personally, is an unattainable summit, for him it was only a transitional stage to the occupation in which he became one of the best.

If you are well versed in something, try to delve into their work and find yourself a part of it, which is not captured by the other.

Do not be afraid to rebel
Not all people enjoy other people's success. And no matter how painful it may sound, but people can be, even among your close friends. Even if everyone is against you, but you still think that doing his life's work, naplyuyte the opinion of others, and do as much as you want.

Like their job at a basic level
Written complex words, but the essence should be clear. You should enjoy every part of the business. For Marie Curie as a child there was nothing more interesting than watching his father's laboratory.

Learn what you like
Charles Darwin was a mediocre student and quite often missed classes. He dropped out of the University of Edinburgh, barely finish my studies at Cambridge and was famous for diligence and intelligence. But what would we do without his discoveries in the theory of evolution?

Do not forget about the practice
Our brains are sharpened by training. With the constant repetition of the same actions in connection neurons are becoming stronger, and we are - professional. This is one reason why you will never lose the knack of not ride a bike.

Decide what is more important: a favorite thing or money
Martha Graham, American dancer and creator of modern dance, threw a lucrative job that took a lot of time, and got a job as a dance teacher, which allowed her to devote more time to his favorite occupation. Unloved work that takes you all the time, will guide you through the hackneyed way that will not have you like.

Be prepared to sacrifice
Daniel Everett, a gifted linguist, trying to learn the language of the tribe pairs on which linguists have struggled with for years. It did not work out because he went the same way as the rest: come as a linguist, and trying to understand a foreign culture.

He had nothing left as long as it is not moved to the tribe pairs and became one of its high-grade people, obeying their culture, taboos and customs. Be prepared to sacrifice something in order to achieve their goals. It's inevitable.

Through pain and reluctance
A well-known basketball player Bill Bradley came to the basketball team only increase. He was slow, did not jump high enough and did not feel the game. But instead of giving up, he trained every day for three hours, despite the weekend. Running with weights and playing basketball blindly to feel the ball. And that was only the beginning of its formation.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes
Paul Graham has always loved computers. Once he realized that everything he had learned, came to him through a series of mistakes and failures. This experience led to the creation of a venture fund Y Combinator, which allows startups held in his footsteps and do not be afraid to make a mistake.

Soak up every bit of knowledge
Relationship "teacher - student" will give you more than a dozen books. Of course, if you have a decent teacher and you love to learn. Keep track of everything that gives you a teacher. This knowledge you can not get anywhere else, as they only come with experience.

Find a teacher who will be questioning your work
Carl Jung idolized Freud, but disagreed with some of his theories. Using Freud as his mentor, Jung was able to better understand what he does not agree, and where their theories diverge, thus making a great contribution to the development of psychology.

Get familiar with the criticism
We are often faced with criticism. And personally I do not give rest to the question: what to do with it? Whether or not to pay attention to? It all depends on the person who criticizes you. Although all too personally, and the person who criticizes you can be in a bad mood, or headache. What do you think about this?

Be bold
There will come a time when you will be allocated to itself, and in this situation you can not make a blunder. Reject conservatism and look for their own way, and you are sure to find it.

Set goals
Short-term, long-term - it does not matter. You should always be the goal. Purpose - this is what your life will be a beacon. And find it is not as difficult as you think.

Do not be afraid to go to the occupied territory
No matter how many competitors in your field, for you will always find a place, if you are doing something really good. Google was not the first to create its own search engine, but they were able to get the scope of the search to a new level. Why does this not work for you?

Be patient
Problem of our generation is that we are too confident in their abilities. Do not let this ruin your self-confidence. Soberly assess their strength and remember that one of the obstacles to creativity - it's impatience.

Science or art - which is more important?
Do not forget that, while leading engineers tried to create a flying machine, it worked the Wright brothers, who repaired bicycles. Both science and art are too important in our lives, to choose just one thing. This can argue forever, but you will not lose, if you deal in both areas.

Build a life around their strengths
Decide on what you do best, and act. How many times have we heard from people who have been successful, that they were just doing a favorite thing. So why not try it and you? Find a business, make it your forte, and Succeed!

People are not born geniuses
And on this point can be summed by the end of our stuff. Many hours of training, practice and failures - that's what leads to success. Diligence helps you to get things done.

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